Monday, June 28, 2010

McElla's Dramatic Entrance


I know it has been a while since my last post due to the fact my little angel decided to come 4 weeks early!

Well we went into the hospital on April 15th because I was having pain in my right kidney, they were just going to admit me for a couple hours and give me some pain meds then send me home to sleep it off. Little McElla had a different idea...

Once in the hospital my pain got increasingly worse, I was passing a kidney stone with no stone being there. The urologist decided to put me under and place a stint in my right kidney to relieve the pressure so at 7:30pm I went in for surgery when they woke me up at 9:30pm I was in so much pain that I blacked out. Poor Michael was wondering when enough was enough sinced I was in so much pain and when that was going to effect our little princess.

The doctor finally looked at me and said are you alright with a c-section and of course by that time I was fine with anything as long as the pain went away. So here I go into surgery number 2 within hours of each other and out comes McElla Lynn at 12:20am on April 16th.

So needless to say she wanted to come into this world dramatically to Momma and everyone else and has been a pistol every since and couldn't love her anymore!!!