Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Body Pains

On top of the everyday battle of telling my body that yes, you are full comes the fabulous pains associated with your body adjusting for baby number 1. Don't get me wrong, this is a fantastic miracle that is happening in my body right now especially since it is just nature and your body is moving along how it should but man!

Now that I am starting to show comes the back pain! If I ever thought I had pains in my back earlier, I was wrong! These are excruciating! So on top of all the doctor's visits, all the baby stuff you have to buy, the body pillows so you are actually comfortable at night comes Physical Therapy.

I guess I just need to keep telling myself, this is the miracle of birth. This is what your body was made for, suck it up.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A pregnant women's view

So I sit here and wonder- being 6 months pregnant myself- why do we always use the excuse that we are eating for two?

In reality, you are supposed to eat only 300 extra calories a day which is an apple with two tablespoons of peanut butter. So why is it that we allow ourselves that little excuse- go ahead and eat that piece of cake, cookie, slice of pizza we are pregnant.

I have done rather well up to this point- seeing as how my Dr. tells me how much weight he wants me to gain. I "workout" at least 3 times a week, yes doing preggers workouts but still allow myself to have candy or chocolate after a meal. YIKES!

I woke up this morning feeling pregnant, I know you know that feeling of just being pregnant- some of my regular jeans are fitting a little more snug (I knew this was going to happen but I don't think I am ready for it).

So tell me, how do you deal with this feeling? What materning jeans do you like the best that are actually reasonably priced?

Until next time...